8 years relevant Senior Management experience in the private sector or government; An NQF Level 8 qualification in Economics / Finance / Business Admin / Public Management or related field. Demonstrated leadership in the development of policies and high level policy implementation skills. Insight into the South African and global economy. Deep knowledge of relevant Government legislation, policies and priorities. Be conversant with the structure and operation of the Public Sector. Good interpersonal, problem-solving, teamwork and networking skills.
The Industrial Competitiveness and Growth (IC&G) branch oversees the Department’s support to strategic sectors of the economy. This includes desks dedicated to: Aerospace and Defence; Automotives; Agro-processing and Resource Based Industries; Electrotechnical Industries and White Goods; Chemicals, Cosmetics, Plastics and Pharmaceuticals; Green Industries and Energy Efficiency; Metal Fabrication; Capital and Rail Transport Equipment; Primary Minerals Processing and Construction as well as Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear. The branch plays a key role in delivering on sector Master Plans, drives job creation through the strengthening of value-added sectors, and helps build economic competitiveness in domestic and export markets. The branch is also charged with providing strategic leadership in the development of industrial policy, overseeing the designation of products for local procurement and coordinating technical institutions, including the SABS, NRCS, SANAS and NMISA.
Department of Transport, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at the 159 Forum Building, Cnr Struben and Bosman Street, Pretoria for attention Recruitment Unit. Room 4034 or email to: [email protected]. Note: email applications must be sent as one attachment to avoid non-delivery of the email and only quotes the name of the post you applying for on the Subject Line as directed on the post note.