An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) LLB as recognized by SAQA; 5 years’ experience at a middle/ senior managerial level. Nyukela Certificate (certificate for entry into the senior management service from the National School of Government); Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act, Prescripts, Act and regulations within the Justice and Constitutional Development area, Human Rights laws; Knowledge and understanding of Human Rights developments, Constitution of South Africa and relevant governance prescripts. Skills and Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership; Programme and project management; Financial management; Change management; Knowledge management; Service Delivery Innovation (SDI); Problem solving and analysis; People management and empowerment; Client orientation and customer focus; Communication skills; Honesty and integrity.
Key Performance Areas: Manage and conduct research on legislation impacting on constitutional democracy, fundamental human rights and constitutional values; Manage and conduct constitutional research and review; Manage and facilitate an enabling environment for research and review in government; Monitor implementation of the constitutional instruments and tools by the three spheres of government; Provide effective people management.